Boost My Google Reviews™- UNLIMITED Reviews per Card
Boost My Google Reviews™- UNLIMITED Reviews per Card
Boost My Google Reviews™- UNLIMITED Reviews per Card
Boost My Google Reviews™- UNLIMITED Reviews per Card
Boost My Google Reviews™- UNLIMITED Reviews per Card
Boost My Google Reviews™- UNLIMITED Reviews per Card
Boost My Google Reviews™- UNLIMITED Reviews per Card
Boost My Google Reviews™- UNLIMITED Reviews per Card
Boost My Google Reviews™- UNLIMITED Reviews per Card
Boost My Google Reviews™- UNLIMITED Reviews per Card
Boost My Google Reviews™- UNLIMITED Reviews per Card
Boost My Google Reviews™- UNLIMITED Reviews per Card

Boost My Google Reviews™- UNLIMITED Reviews per Card

Boost My Google Reviews™- UNLIMITED Reviews per Card

4.67/5 Excellent 25409 Happy Business Owners

✅ 10X Your Google Reviews in 30 days or Your Money-Back Guaranteed


Regular price $38.00 USD
Regular price $48.00 USD Sale price $38.00 USD
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Only 2 left in stock - order soon
  • 100% Tax
  • ☎️ 24/7 Customer Service
  • 🔄️ Free
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The Only Card with Local Referencing Technology®

Boost My Reviews™ is the ONLY card on the market that uses Local Referencing on Google.

Your business Google rating is determined by a complex algorithm that considers several factors such as the number of reviews, the overall sentiment of the reviews, and the relevance of the reviews to the business.

Simply put the more positive reviews your business has the more visible it becomes and the more money it will make!

  • Rank 1st on Google Search

    20+ reviews will push your business to the top of Google search

  • Works for iPhone & Android

    No customer Google account required

  • Customizable for Different Locations

    Add any QR code for unlimited reviews

  • No Monthly Fees

    No contractual commitment. No lock-in fees

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Achieve Google Top Ranking & Outrank The Competition

When you’re easy to find, you’re easy to choose.

Reviews are the number ONE most important local ranking factor on Google. You need 20+ positive reviews in order for the Google Algorithm to show your business at the top of Google Search.

Boost SEO & Drown Out Negative Reviews!

Now you're in control over who leaves your business a review. Give your Boost My Reviews Google card to your happy customers and avoid negative reviews.


How many reviews can I collect?

There is no limit on the number of reviews you can gather. So make sure you keep encouraging customers to leave their feedback!

How do I setup my card?

Our Boost My Reviews come with a simple PDF guide to install your Google link in under 2 minutes, ensuring a hassle-free experience you can also view the guide here.

How does the guarantee work?

At Boost My Reviews, we are confident in the effectiveness of our product and the value it brings to our customers.

That's why we proudly offer a 100% Money-Back Guarantee to provide you with peace of mind when you choose to use our services. Here's how it works:

THE GUARANTEE: If you can provide proof that your average monthly reviews have not increased by at least 20% within the first 30 days of using Boost My Reviews, we will issue a full refund of your purchase.

HOW TO CLAIM THE GUARANTEE: To claim the Money-Back Guarantee, please follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that you have been using Boost My Reviews consistently for a minimum of 30 days from the date of delivery.
  2. Keep track of your average monthly reviews before and after using Boost My Reviews. This information will be crucial for your refund claim.
  3. If, after the initial 30 days, your average monthly reviews have not increased by at least 30%, gather the necessary evidence to support your claim.

This can include screenshots, analytics data, or any other relevant documentation that clearly shows the lack of improvement.

Customer must pay for the shipping fee for the return. Contact our customer support team at and provide them with your purchase details, evidence of your average monthly reviews, and a brief explanation of your situation. Our support team will review your claim promptly and determine its validity. If your claim is approved, we will initiate the refund process, and you will receive a full refund of your purchase amount within 14 business days.

Do my customers need a Google account to write a review?

No, You can write a Google review without a Gmail account, even though Google doesn't make this fact well-known. To deter fake reviews and spam posts, Google needs reviewers to have a valid email address; however, that email doesn't necessarily need to be through Gmail.

However, most smartphone users have a Google accounts through YouTube, Gmail, or Google Maps. In fact, 93% of people with a smartphone have a Google account.

Can I change the link on my Boost My Review Card?

Absolutely! With Boost My Reviews, you have the flexibility to change the review link effortlessly.

Does this work with Android and iPhone?

Our cards are compatible with both iPhones (iOS 13 & above) AND Android (Android OS 5.0 & above)

Are there any additional fees or subscriptions?

Boost My Reviews are a one-time purchase, and there are no additional fees or subscriptions required. Once you have the card, you can use it indefinitely to collect reviews without any recurring costs.

  • 10X Your Google Reviews in 30 days or Your Money-Back Guaranteed

  • No Google Account Required for the Customer

  • Workdwide Shipping Available

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